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To Seed or Not to Seed?!

Writer: Amanda Arnold, PLAAmanda Arnold, PLA

To Seed or Not to Seed- that is the Question? February is a great time to think about seeds. All the seed catalogs have been sent out of the new vegetables, herbs, perennials, grasses, shrubs that are hitting the stage in full form this year. More on the newest trends next week but this week my mind is on Vegetables. I love foodscaping at my home. There is nothing better than fresh vegetables and fruits on your table. Sustainable Urban agriculture is the newest trend and course of study of the next generation. I wonder why? Historically, we all know we were once farmers. We worked the land and foraged to sustain life. Genetically, working with the land to sustain us is still a part of our lives. So, I’m not telling you to rototill your backyard and start your own farm, but I am telling you it is easier than you think!

Don’t be intimidated- I guarantee when you take a bite of that tomato or have a fresh salad or grill some peppers or onions, you won’t regret it. Starting seeds inside is not challenging. New kits are available that provide the right soil make ups, self watering, grow lights, complete grow sets, etc. You can be as complex or simple as you like and guess what the seeds will still grow. If you have a south facing window- you can grow seeds. Be aware of window drafts as you don’t want your seeds to get too cold, grow lights can supplement this. So grab a self starter kit and pick us some easy starter vegetables- Tomatoes and peppers are great to start inside because in our environment of a late start date it is nice to get these long germinators a head start. Greens (lettuce, spinach, kale) and herbs are great to start inside too so you can start harvesting early in March. These are fast growers and you can grow these inside year round. Just remember to water about every other day- depending on the dry temperatures of your house and enjoy. Some root crops like greens, peas, etc can be planting in the ground as early as March/April even with the threat of frost as they can take cooler temperatures. Just check the long range forecast and see what is ahead. Come Spring after the last scare of frost you can transplant your seedlings outside and have great starts to your tomatoes and peppers.

I like direct sowing as ironically my house does not like house plants- but many of my friends have great success! Over the next few weeks I will introduce some foodscaping thoughts to get an early start on your spring- feel free to contact me for more information. And remember to seed or not to seed shouldn’t be the question, the question should be when and what?

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